Christmas Countdown - 2019

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MMC Hostess of Christmas Online
MMC Lifer Alum
Christmas Crew
Christmas Talk Alum
Oct 7, 2005
Ontario, Canada
If I go silent over the weekend; I will return when I can, but if I'm home, I will pop in.


Santa's Mentor
MMC Premiere
Oct 7, 2011
Morning and "Good Friday" MMC! Thanks for the thoughts and prayers but unfortunately the guy I spoke about yesterday passed away. It was expected as there was little they could do for him they said from the beginning because he was unconscious for hours before anyone found him. Just live every day. That's all we can do and appreciate it. Have a great Good Friday Everyone!


Christmas Cookie Baking Crew
MMC Lifer
Jul 17, 2011
Long Island, New York
Morning and "Good Friday" MMC! Thanks for the thoughts and prayers but unfortunately the guy I spoke about yesterday passed away. It was expected as there was little they could do for him they said from the beginning because he was unconscious for hours before anyone found him. Just live every day. That's all we can do and appreciate it. Have a great Good Friday Everyone!

I’m so sorry to hear that Edge. Sending up prayers for his family and friends.


Christmas Cookie Baking Crew
MMC Lifer
Jul 17, 2011
Long Island, New York
Good morning ~
I’m just having my coffee and relaxing for a few minutes. Rocky and I will be going for a walk soon. I have to go to the butcher afterward to pick our Easter ham. I also have a doctor appointment this afternoon, unfortunately I’m coming down with something. Hopefully it’s just cold but we’ll see. My daughter tested positive for strep last weekend so I want to make sure that’s not what I have! I hope everyone is well and has a wonderful day!!!


Dang Near Santa Himself
MMC Lifer
Jul 13, 2016
Elkridge Maryland
Morning and "Good Friday" MMC! Thanks for the thoughts and prayers but unfortunately the guy I spoke about yesterday passed away. It was expected as there was little they could do for him they said from the beginning because he was unconscious for hours before anyone found him. Just live every day. That's all we can do and appreciate it. Have a great Good Friday Everyone!

I’m sorry to hear that Edge. Years ago, before there was such a thing as “real time”, I spent many a night working by myself updating files and printing reports. If I would of had a medical emergency, I would of been in some serious trouble. My heart goes out to that gentleman’s family. So much sadness there.

Crown 84

Official MMC Countmeister
MMC Lifer Alum
Christmas Crew
Louann Jeffries Award
Jul 27, 2007
North Carolina
Good Morning, Weekend Thresholders!
Yes, once again, we stand at the doorstep of another weekend, looking forward to our little end-of-the-week oasis.

Well, I think this would be the perfect time then, to take a deep breath, reflect on the week past......and munch on that fired twinkie I just KNOW you took home from the 'Pines Wednesday evening.

So as you enjoy that (perhaps with a tall, cool one of sweet tea) read the following with interest:
Days to the Season: 208
Days to Christmas Day: 250

Then, consider this:
ONE WEEK from tomorrow, we will open the 200-Day French Windows onto the commencement of a 100's level Season count sequence.
Ah, but we get ahead of ourselves!
First, we will arrive at the ONE-THIRD point to Christmas Day, which marker shall be here precisely ONE WEEK from today.
(Be prepared to celebrate, Folks!)

Real nice here again yesterday with warm temps, low humidity, no rain and negligible pollen fallout.
Today will be an entirely different story, with strong storms in the forecast, some of which could be severe.
It is already raining lightly, as we observe a starting temperature of 72 degrees.

Have a Fabulous Friday, Friends.
And I hope your weekend begins on a very positive note this afternoon!


Christmas Royalty
MMC Donor
MMC Premiere
Sep 23, 2010
Warner Robins, GA
Good morning Christmas friends! I'm off work today and plan on spending the day with my daughter who's visiting here from Indiana. Tomorrow she heads back home. :( Later today I'll take our new puppy, Daisy, to the vet for her 3 month check up. Severe storms are near us right now, but hopefully it won't be too bad here. Have a wonderful Friday!



Christmas Royalty
MMC Donor
MMC Premiere
Sep 23, 2010
Warner Robins, GA
Morning and "Good Friday" MMC! Thanks for the thoughts and prayers but unfortunately the guy I spoke about yesterday passed away. It was expected as there was little they could do for him they said from the beginning because he was unconscious for hours before anyone found him. Just live every day. That's all we can do and appreciate it. Have a great Good Friday Everyone!
So sorry to hear this Edge. My heart and prayers go out to his family and friends.


North Pole's RN
MMC Lifer
Christmas Crew
Oct 2, 2010
Central Pa
Sometimes when things are going wonky; little things help me smile - like the Robin singing outside the window or watching a family shopping together without using their cell phones or buying a treat for the cat and watching him enjoy it - tried him out last night and this morning with a milky textured tuna and chicken treat - he devoured and mewed his thank you.

My dad will join me up at the hospital later this morning.

Then I'm going to hopefully connect with a Real Estate agent about a ground level home; we'll see how it goes.

Thanks again for your support and words of encouragement and good vibes.

Keep a merry thought in your head +i

Continued prayers for you, my friend and I'm so thankful you have family support as well!


North Pole's RN
MMC Lifer
Christmas Crew
Oct 2, 2010
Central Pa
Good morning all!

Today is a rainy, stormy day in Ohio. A great day to stay inside and relax.

Yesterday we went to Pittsburg for the SteelCity Comic Con. Five members from the cast of The Office were there. We got our picture with the group which was awesome. My wife is HUGE Office fan so this was her birthday present. (Her birthday was the end of March) She wore a dress that has pictures of all of the cast members on it. Meredith (from the Office) actually took my wife's picture. LOL

We then went to their panel discussion and my wife got to ask a question. She was so excited!
Also, one of my wife's students (my wife is a junior high art teacher) made a picture of Stanley from the Office. We brought the picture and had Stanley sign it. That is the second time one of her student's art work has been signed by a celebrity.

So today I am just relaxing around the house. My wife is out on a shopping trip with a friend. It is a special trip that helps raise money for charity groups.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday!

This is so awesome! I didn't even know this was going on myself - this would have only been a couple hour drive myself as well and it's one of my favorite shows too. Very cool - glad you guys enjoyed!


North Pole's RN
MMC Lifer
Christmas Crew
Oct 2, 2010
Central Pa
Good news for me - :snowhappy
if you've been following along in my tales of driving; two summers ago I drove to Toronto and back alone without passengers - that was a big deal for me 'cause the traffic is crazy.
I also got to sail a rather fine boat and I mean steer it.
Well, the Captain was chatting with my brother, and he told him about my husband's health issues and that I was coming and looking forward to catching up with him and some other folks and the Captain gave me a ticket to the huge gala event before the caravan starts so now I'm going to see Tom Cochrane and Friends over dinner with a cool Captain, my dad's friend, a classy jazz singer and her husband who saved JazzFM - my "me time" will be extra special now.

So kind of Paul to offer me a ticket, my brother said he had a spare one, but I well expect he is being modest and bought it to cheer me up.

+f I'm going to be entertained for several hours.

I had to cancel on my cousin, but she understands; if she comes we'll catch up then or when I go back for a vacation in the summer.

I'll try to get on here tomorrow before I take off; I have to go to the hospital to visit for a bit before we leave. I'm not taking my laptop.

Hope you had a wonderful time!


North Pole's RN
MMC Lifer
Christmas Crew
Oct 2, 2010
Central Pa
Hi y'all! Hope everyone is good. Just popped in to say I am thinking of you guys! xo

Great to see you! Hope all is well with you too! Happy Easter to you and the boys!


North Pole's RN
MMC Lifer
Christmas Crew
Oct 2, 2010
Central Pa
Hello my Christmas friends!

How can this happen that I go from posting daily to posting once a month?! I really do miss you all & the fun Christmas cheer!

I am trying to enjoy the Hallmark Thursday night Christmas movies & the Friday night HMM Christmas movies! I love that they are doing that ! ❤️

Work is still absolutely crazy. We did hire a new girl and she started yesterday. I think she will be awesome but you know how the whole training thing kind of stinks for everyone. We will get through it! Problem is I am the trainer and I am still learning myself!

I hope all is well with all of you and I am going to try my best to start coming back more often because I really miss my merry home!

Have a great evening!

Great to see you, Holiday! Hang in there - thinking of you, friend. Hope all is well with you too! Hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter!


North Pole's RN
MMC Lifer
Christmas Crew
Oct 2, 2010
Central Pa
Goodmorning MMC!
I’m having a bad cold so I’ve stayed at home from work since yesterday. I hope it will pass soon, because I really want to feel better before the long Easter weekend starts.
Since I can’t do much besides sleep and relax I think it’s a good excuse to spend some time here on the forum and watch a Christmas movie (or 2), so that’s the only plan I have for today :D

I wish everyone a great day!

Hope you feel better soon!


Seasons Eatings Podcast
MMC Lifer
Louann Jeffries Award
Santa's Elf
MMC Partner
Kringle Radio DJ
Oct 24, 2017
St. John's, NL
Happy Easter weekend to all. Things will be a bit busy this weekend as I have three different groups to prepare for this weekend. There's a small group coming for lunch tomorrow, people coming for breakfast on Sunday, and then family for Easter dinner. Plus work today and tomorrow. Luckily we're closed Sunday, so I'll have a bit of time to prepare. Picked up all the fixin's today so I just now have to prep.

It's supposed to be raining off and on all weekend, but maybe things will clear up by Sunday. We'll see.

I took the dog out for a little walk this morning and let him off leash by a wooded area and he saw a rabbit crossing the field. Off he went. Of course, the rabbit saw him coming and took off. There was a little chase, but he then lost him. There's his exercise for the day. :)

Take care all and have a great long weekend.


North Pole's RN
MMC Lifer
Christmas Crew
Oct 2, 2010
Central Pa
Good Holy Thursday MMC! I never like to be a downer (especially here) but I found out yesterday a guy who works for my company (who I spoke to just 2 weeks ago on the phone and we were joking around) was found unconscious after 4 hours (he works night shift and nobody was around). He's in a coma now and it doesn't look good at all. The guy is just 50 years old too. And he wasn't sick or anything. I guess you just never know day to day what will happen. That's why you have to enjoy today. Have a good Holy Thursday everyone.

Prayers for his family and co-workers.


North Pole's RN
MMC Lifer
Christmas Crew
Oct 2, 2010
Central Pa
Good Thursday morning, Christmas friends!

Since the golf cart is running, I've turned my attention to the pool. It's an ugly green, slimy mess. I bought a clean-up package at the pool supply store that makes the green stuff sink to the bottom of the pool, then you vacuum it up. But you have to be patient. If you move the vacuum too quickly, it'll stir-up the stuff into the water and you'll have to wait for it to settle again. Long story short, it's going to take a few days to clean the pool.

Nancy and her sister (both accountants) are still celebrating the passing of April 15, and are planning an overnight trip with Elizabeth to St. Simons Island tomorrow night. I was sort-of invited, but it wasn't a very enthusiastic invitation, so I think I'll stay home with Lulu. She and I can ride the golf cart!

I hope y'all have a great day! :D

That sounds like a nice time! Hope the girls enjoy - Nancy deserves it!
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