Halloween Countdown--2017 Edition

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Festive Spirit

Christmas Royalty
MMC Lifer
Sep 11, 2012


Merry Forums Elf, 3rd Class
MMC Member
Jan 14, 2015
Need to watch some Halloween shows starting tonight. As usual, October comes and I start falling behind again.

Totally in the same boat. It's so crazy how two weeks can just fly by. And here we are, almost half way to Halloween. Just a week ago it seemed like there was so much time in the month ahead. Now I'm anxious and feeling like there isn't enough time left to do all I want to do.

The weather here definitely has had a lot to do with it. Living here in Southern California, just last weekend it was 90 degrees out. And as much as I'd like to get into it, and know that I could if it was a bit cooler weather wise, sometimes it's just hard, and you just cannot get into the Halloween spirit and the Fall season when it's still that hot out. The same thing happens a lot during Christmas time. Last year was the first real cold Fall/Winter season we've had in years. But it doesn't seem like that is going to the case this year. Forecast for this weekend and the first part of next week is high 80s/low 90s again. In all seriousness, this is a big reason I plan on moving to an area with a cooler climate this time of year. Just because of my love for the Holiday season and the Ber months and not wanting it to feel like Summer time.

Not to mention the Halloween programming schedule on a lot of networks seemed a little lackluster this year for the first half of the month. I know I could always put in my own movies and shows and watch them, but there's something about it coming on TV that gives it a real authenticity to it. That should pick up real soon.

Oh well, nothing I can do about it now. At this point in the month, with it actually being pretty close to Halloween now, it's starting to feel much more fitting to do Halloween type stuff and watch more scary movies at night, regardless if it's hot out or not, or what may or may not be shown on TV. I think if I start now, there's still enough time to make it a great October!
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